5583 C-Curve
Date: 09/06/09
Clouds ahead, and behind.
5614 C-Curve
Date: 28/05/09
5592 C-Curve
Date: 28/05/09
5185 C-Curve
Date: 15/05/09
As if you couldn't see enough sky from the top of the South Downs already...
5510 C-Curve
Date: 09/06/09
The pattern is caused by the plastic fence, erected in the evening, to keep the sheep away from the mirror.
5519 C-Curve
Date: 09/06/09
Brighton reflected in the convex side, and the sheep fence on the concave side!
5500 C-Curve
Date: 09/06/09
The stars rotate around the Pole Star, just over the horizon of the C-Curve, their trail reflected in the mirror.
5498 C-Curve
Date: 09/06/09
Twilight reflected in the concave side whilst stars whizz past overhead.
5493 C-Curve
Date: 28/05/09
5495 C-Curve
Date: 29/05/09
5344 Dismemberment of Jeanne d'Arc
Date: 14/06/14
Anish Kapoor visits his installation with Alan Yentob.
5431 Dismemberment of Jeanne d'Arc
Date: 17/05/09
5426 Dismemberment of Jeanne d'Arc
Date: 17/05/09
Housed in Brighton's old municipal market, Anish Kapoor's sculpture creeps into the background.
5406 Dismemberment of Jeanne d'Arc
Date: 29/05/09
A detail from the old municipal market
5418 Dismemberment of Jeanne d'Arc
Date: 17/05/09
There have been problems keeping the weather out of this gallery space, although the angle this was taken from exaggerates the problem a little!
5386 Dismemberment of Jeanne d'Arc
Date: 15/05/09
The legs/blood-sticks/spicey Nik-Naks of anish Kapoors sculpture in Brighton's old Municipal market.
5302 Dismemberment of Jeanne d'Arc
Date: 15/05/09
The womb, depending on the lighting this sometimes looks convex - pregnant perhaps?!
5353 Dismemberment of Jeanne d'Arc
Date: 15/05/09
On an overcast day the sculpture glows under the small spotlights.
5400 Dismemberment of Jeanne d'Arc
Date: 29/05/09
5571 C-Curve
Date: 29/05/09
0006 'C-Curve'
Date: 15/05/09
An amazing mirror sculpture by Anish Kapoor, erected on top of the South Downs near Brighton as part of the annual arts festival.
5179 C-Curve
Date: 15/05/09
High on the South Downs near Brighton, Anish Kapoor's amazing mirror fascinates anyone who is willing to walk up there during the festival.
5175 C-Curve
Date: 15/05/09
The South Upside-Downs! Anish Kapoor's sculpture near the Chattri memorial, north of Brighton.
5475 Sky Mirror
Date: 19/05/09
always seems to start raining when I visit the sky mirror...